I'm out at the cemetery again, walking, reflecting, visiting my Mom, taking photos and video. It's a beautiful late summer day.
I've been searching for the Lord for so long in my life. It's been a long and winding, narrow lonely road. Many of you are traveling down the same road. Let these words encourage and uplift your spirit today.
While looking up at the flag today (bright, beautiful, blowing and waving in the wind, pondering the deep red and blue Stars and Stripes and patriotism) I had a thought. I got to thinking, "I don't need to find God. I already found Him. He's right here with me!!" Another WOW moment with God. You see my answer was, "blowing in the wind." Praise the Lord!! (Go with that Larry, go with that.)
How many times do we get sidetracked? God is speaking, He's transmitting; but are we listening and receiving? Personally, I somehow seem to drift over the center line in life often, and find myself many times abandoned and shipwrecked upon the shores of life. Perhaps this happens to you also. It's rather easy to do.
When we get our eyes off of God/Jesus and onto other things, ourselves, our busy lives and self-absorbed schedules, like Peter we begin to sink. The "cares of this life" truly choke our ability to experience and see God in this world.
My lonely trek through life continues, but I believe God gave me another reminder today while I was at the cemetery that He is always with me. For some reason I struggle grasping that fact.
The learning curve here is that He's with me in far different ways than what the church has taught me. That's the answer to the question and missing numbers to the equation.
When I write it's by inspiration. I don't just sit down and say, "I think I'm going to write today." When I get up in the morning the show begins. I start my daily walk. I'm going about my path through the day and then BOOM!!! Something reaches out and grabs my attention. It just comes down upon me from above and I start writing. As I begin writing I feel an anointing on me. That is what happened to me again today.
I believe we all need a greater awareness of God in our lives, especially in today's fast-paced, materialistic, technological society. It is so easy to become distracted in our modern world. We have far too much stuff (gadgets) to look at. Perhaps people meditate to gain a greater awareness of what is on the inside of them and life in general. There is a great peace and calm which comes through meditation.
Please join with me in a short prayer today:
"Lord, I pray that you would bring me to a greater knowledge, awareness and appreciation for You, Your Word and Heaven."
Please watch my video, "A Church Without Walls." Share it with a friend. I would appreciate a referral and am currently taking invitations to speak in churches, at civic and community events, businesses, organizations and schools. Thank you kindly for your help.
If you have been blessed and inspired by these writings please share them. To help me continue these writings and reaching more people please consider making a DONATION to my blog. Thank you very much!!